Dr Monica Wong is a passionate promotor of art therapy. With her dedication to help traumatised children to recover from overwhelming experiences, she has changed many lives.
—Cornelia Elbrecht World-renowned art therapist
Systematic Courses on Narrative Drawing Intervention®️
Opening the door to your inner world
Narrative Drawing Intervention®️ has various use cases, including families, couples, adults, adolescents, children, SEN students as well as trauma cases. NDI allows therapists to have a better understanding of themselves and their clients through drawings and narratives, which “brings the unconscious into consciousness” and opens the door to the inner world. Furthermore, through the use of NDI, the therapist can externalise the problems from the person, bring out hopes and in turn aid their clients in building resilience through rediscovering their inner strengths and support systems. The Systematic Courses on Narrative Drawing Intervention®️ is designed to aid therapists master the use of NDI ethically and skilfully through the processes of learning, applying of concepts and practising NDI under supervision. The course consists of the following modules: 1) Foundation Certificate Course on Narrative Drawing Intervention®️, 2) Practicum Certificate Course on Narrative Drawing Intervention®️, 3) Supervision Certificate Course on Narrative Drawing Intervention®️ and Train the Trainers Certificate Course on Narrative Drawing Intervention®️. For detailed information please refer to the web pages of “Getting started with NDI” and “Become NDI Therapist”.
(Foundation Certificate Course on Narrative Drawing Intervention®)
What is Narrative Drawing Intervention®:
Narrative Drawing Intervention® (NDI) is a brand new clinical psychotherapeutic model that combines two effective psychotherapeutic interventions – Narrative Therapy and Art Therapy. This model was developed by Clinical Psychologist, Certified Trauma Specialist and Registered Art Therapist, Dr. Monica Wong, through a decade of clinical practice and intensive research.
【Where can NDI be applied?】 The broad application of NDI includes: trauma relief, improvement of psychological wellbeing, facilitation of emotional self-regulation, strengthening of interpersonal relationships, personal growth, prevention of emotional turbulences and enhancement of mental health. NDI has been used by over 10,000 helping professionals with children and youths including SEN students, adults who are struggling with mental health issues, traumatised cases and patients in hospitals etc.
【Theoretical Basis of NDI】 NDI combines the use of drawings and the narratives that clients give about their own artworks, as well as the therapeutic conversations between the client and therapist, to bring unconscious feelings and thoughts into conscious expressions. Through this process of self discovery, the client’s problem-saturated story can be deconstructed, and the preferred story can be reconstructed. Thus, the client is empowered to proactively make better choices and find solutions to their problems.
The first step of a typical NDI session involves goal setting, establishing of therapeutic relationships and engaging in therapeutic conversations. Through narratives of the story behind the client’s drawings, intrinsic meaning of ‘subconscious thoughts and feelings’ can be externalized to a conscious level, which grants helping professionals the opportunity to observe and understand the inner self of clients. When clients are able to understand themselves, they can start to accept themselves and to finally play out their potentials to the fullest. As such, NDI therapist aim to draw out the inner strengths and core values of clients, explore their external resources and support systems, enabling the client to develop self-acceptance and resilience, to replace unconscious defense mechanisms with positive conscious coping strategies. Eventually, self-confidence and hopes of the clients can be harvested.
【Target Participant】
Psychologists, psychiatrists and psychiatric rehabilitation professionals, counsellors, psychotherapists, social workers, teachers, trainers, parents, students in the helping professions and people interested in psychology
Dr. Monica Wong (PsyD, MA, MCoun, BA, BSocSc) Clinical Psychologist Registered Art Therapist Certified Trauma Specialist and Trainer Clinical Supervisor
【Course Content】
1. The theory and basic knowledge of Narrative Drawing Intervention®. 2. Deconstructing the possible meanings of symbols in drawings 3. Introduction to application of drawing in different therapeutic context 4. Case observation and analysis 5.Techniques and guidelines in establishing therapeutic relationships, professional ethics and engaging in the process of NDI “3 treasures”, “3 drawings” and “3 journeys”
【Course structure】
Day 1 AM
• Introduction to Narrative Drawing Intervention® • The stories drawings tell us: Van Gogh, Louis Wain, case studies • Understanding the conscious and the subconscious mind • Understanding the power of drawings in reflecting of the subconscious self • The evolution of drawings from assessment to therapy • Hands-on drawing exercises 1 & 2 • Live case demonstration & class discussions
Day 1 PM
• Decoding of symbols in drawings 1 • Case sharing • Stories behind celebrity drawings • Hands on drawing exercise 3 • Group discussion and exploration of the self through evaluation of drawings
Day 2 AM
• Decoding of symbols in drawings 2 • Case sharing • Hands on drawing exercise 4 • Exploring of the definition of different drawing themes • Group discussion and exploration of the self through evaluation of drawings
Day 2 PM
• Decoding of symbols in drawings 3 • Group discussion and exploration of the self through evaluation of drawings • Participant case presentations • Brief introduction to the qualities of NDI practitioners
【Course features】
• In-depth, flexible and fun • Live case demonstrations (with the consent of the demonstrator and confidentiality agreement of the participants) • Real-life case sharing throughout the course • Exploration of the subconscious through psychoanalysis • A self-exploratory approach to guide participants to a true understanding of the aims and methods of therapy • Group discussion to facilitate academic exchange between participants
【Course Duration】 Two days (9:30-17:30), 14 hours in total (Students who complete the course will receive a certificate from Narrative Drawing Intervention® Institute)
【Language of Instruction】 Cantonese (supplemented by English)
非常感恩能參加這個課程,Monica 除了非常用心專業地教授 NDI 的理論與技巧,課堂設計把理論實踐結合,全程環環相扣,令我體驗很深刻。特別自己有幸能成為個案分享者,跟親身感受到用 NDI 作輔導治療的效果。令我即時都看見自己的現況問題及加以轉換,回家還和另一半有一次真誠對話,我衷心覺得很感恩!Thank you Monica! 期待實習課堂的旅程!
This course is an eye-opener. It is very interesting, helps me to better understand my own family needs as well as learn about basic concepts of NDI with very good practical examples. Dr Wong is very experienced which makes the course very interesting and informative. Thank you!
“The person is not the problem, the problem is the problem.” It is a very good inspiration for me to look at the challenges and issues I am having and it helps me look at the incidents in the macro way. This is a very good way to help kids who doesn’t really express themselves even to acknowledge my own needs without feelings of being intruding. Thank you!