為了給各界專業助人者帶來多元化的學習機會,我們除了提供敘事繪畫治療法®️系統證書課程,還邀請到來自世界各地的藝術治療大師,為我們帶來精彩的課程,當中包括享譽全球的藝術治療大師Dr. Cathy Malchiodi為敘事繪畫治療學院在香港主講的三年三階《創傷知情藝術治療》(Trauma-informed Art Therapy)、在北京主講的表達性藝術治療大師班(Masterclass on Expressive Arts Therapy)及Mrs. Cornelia Elbrecht 主講的《引導繪畫》(Guided Drawing)以及其他來自美國、印度、墨西哥、英國、新加坡、加拿大、澳洲等不同國家的藝術治療師,為專業助人者帶來繽紛多彩、各具美態的多文化藝術治療方法(詳細內容請參閱本網站心理資源館「精彩時刻」專頁)。更多的專業課程還包括:敘事繪畫治療法®️於創傷中的應用證書課程(The Use of NDI in Psychological Trauma)、故事治療於輔導及治療小組中的應用證書課程(The Use of Storytelling in Counselling and Therapeutic Groups)及懶爸媽智慧心法課程(Lazy Parenting Family Education Course)等等。各課程自2006年至今分別於香港中文大學、香港及內地的敘事繪畫治療®️學院定期舉辦,反應熱烈。
The Use of NDI® in Psychological Trauma
The Use of Storytelling on Counselling and Conducting Therapeutic Groups
夢是你自己看得見的畫,畫是每個人都看到的夢。通過利用 NDI 的技術,我們的潛意識便可能逐漸意識化。創傷的夢魘,更可能通過我們的繪畫和敘事,在敘事繪畫治療師的陪伴下、在安全而自由的情況下,得以清晰看見,並一步步地加以接納。個案在重新發現自身的內在力量、外部資源和盼望的過程中,也更能夠發揮自己,建立抗逆力,成為處理自己問題的專家。
【Course Content】
1. Definition and types of trauma, the impact of traumatic events; traumatic events and the inner world; psychosocial theory; childhood trauma and reactions. 2. Introduction to Narrative Drawing Intervention® (NDI), practical application of NDI in trauma, in-depth understanding of how NDI brings the subconscious to the conscious through case studies, and further learning of key transformative processes/factors in trauma therapy. 3. core principles of NDI in trauma cases.
【Course Features】
1. In-depth experiential learning. 2. A rich and concrete case study of the application of Narrative Drawing Intervention® to trauma, leading to a deeper understanding of the key transformative processes/factors of NDI in trauma. 3. Using drawing as an entry point, participants will learn the core principles of dealing with trauma through live case demonstrations and sharing. 4. To clarify the role of clinical psychologists in the professional practice of trauma psychotherapy, with “Do No Harm” as the highest principle.
【Course Structure】
– Definition and Types of Psychological Trauma – The impact of traumatic events – The relationship between traumatic events and the inner world – Social psychology escape theory – Childhood trauma and reactions – Introduction to NDI and its application to trauma cases
-Typical Trauma Case Studies – Drawing & narrating – In-depth analysis of live demonstration cases – Review key points
【Target Participant】
Psychologists, psychiatrists and psychiatric rehabilitation professionals, counsellors, psychotherapists, social workers, teachers, trainers, parents, students in the helping professions with a special interest in psychological trauma
Dr. Monica Wong (PsyD, MA, MCoun, BA, BSocSc) Clinical Psychologist Registered Art Therapist Certified Trauma Specialist and Trainer Clinical Supervisor
The Use of Storytelling on Counselling and Conducting Therapeutic Groups
(The Use of Storytelling in Counselling and Therapeutic Groups)
【How does storytelling lead you into experiences which you have never encountered before? 】
How does storytelling help you discover a new self? How does storytelling make you feel at most ease when sharing your feelings and emotions with the therapeutic group? How can the ending of a story bring you unexpected sensations and strengths? You will find the answers to all these questions in the workshop. The workshop covers the discovery of the subconscious, skills of storytelling and the use of metaphors in a variety of therapeutic settings. The all-embracing feature of storytelling makes it a perfect companion with other methods of psychological interventions such as Narrative Drawing Intervention®, Play Therapy, arts, music, and drama therapies as well as solution focused, hypnotic and cognitive-behavioral approaches. In the workshop, through live demonstrations by the trainer and group discussions, participants will not only apprehend the power of storytelling in effective communication and psychotherapy, but will also witness the magical moment of realization of the subconscious through the storytelling of live demonstrators. 【Target Participant】 Psychologists, psychiatrists and psychiatric rehabilitation professionals, counsellors, psychotherapists, social workers, teachers, trainers, parents, students in the helping professions and people interested in psychology
Psychologists, psychiatrists and psychiatric rehabilitation professionals, counsellors, psychotherapists, social workers, teachers, trainers, parents, students in the helping professions and people interested in psychology
Dr. Monica Wong (PsyD, MA, MCoun, BA, BSocSc) Clinical Psychologist Registered Art Therapist Certified Trauma Specialist and Trainer Clinical Supervisor
非常感恩能參加這個課程,Monica 除了非常用心專業地教授 NDI 的理論與技巧,課堂設計把理論實踐結合,全程環環相扣,令我體驗很深刻。特別自己有幸能成為個案分享者,跟親身感受到用 NDI 作輔導治療的效果。令我即時都看見自己的現況問題及加以轉換,回家還和另一半有一次真誠對話,我衷心覺得很感恩!Thank you Monica! 期待實習課堂的旅程!
This course is an eye-opener. It is very interesting, helps me to better understand my own family needs as well as learn about basic concepts of NDI with very good practical examples. Dr Wong is very experienced which makes the course very interesting and informative. Thank you!
“The person is not the problem, the problem is the problem.” It is a very good inspiration for me to look at the challenges and issues I am having and it helps me look at the incidents in the macro way. This is a very good way to help kids who doesn’t really express themselves even to acknowledge my own needs without feelings of being intruding. Thank you!